
the weekend of renee laci

This Friday and Saturday was pretty boring. I missed a talent show and this big party at this church(I don't think I was going to go anyway though it would have been fun. ):< ) Though I did have catfish (YAY!!! @ U @)
and I did play Guitar Hero: The Beatles and now I have "I am the Walrus" stuck in my head again... DX That song makes no sense to me. While playing it I missed notes because the board run into the art in the background and hurt my eyes and then I felt like I had this highness to me I started moving around while holding the guitar. Sad thing is I had to play on easy mode. ;A; I didn't play in a year or so and was failing at medium plus the guitar I had at first I disliked. It was the Rock Band guitar which doesn't play right.
This weekend I relearned where my name came from. Shatori came from some city in California. ^^ I think that's pretty cool. I was named after my dad unlike my sister who was named by my mother.
My mood is pretty confusing right now. I don't like my mood swings at all. Especially when mother nature slaps and stabs me continuously until it feels like stopping. DX; GAH! 
Anyway gtg!
I am...

eating: snickers
drinking: nothing
listening to: "Misguided Ghosts"- Paramore
mood: annoyed
reading: Guitar Lessons Booklet  
craving: to eat more

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