
stress plus worriment plus school plus social life

So much happened yesterday. It was the worst Easter I EVER had. I don't want to think about it.
School kinda made my day but still feel awkward. I just hope I make all A's for my report card.. O.O
I'm now looking for a sewing machine to finally start making cosplay. I'm broke at the moment but with my A pluses on my report card I shall receive a reward. :3 I can't wait to start with my first costume. It's a home one and I will take no photos on the internet because it just for fun. I will be cosplaying Yaname from Alice Parade an h-game (yes I do know them) she's so cute and outfit doesn't look that complicated. ^^ In order to take pictures, I would have to alter the costume so it's not.... h-game environment. XD I'm not sure what else to type so...

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