
Rant entry one

Gah the world is is freaking demented that I wish 2012 epedemic did happened so foolish humans can make up for themselves. In a way I guess that will never happen. Humans are too much in a shithole it's ridiculous. I will count myself too. I'm not perfect. I'm somewhat pathetic. My people are broken shattered before my own eyes. I hate that. By my people I mean my race. Stereotypically we are dumb stupid animals. And it's a shame that some of us believe it.
/rantrantrant. People annoy me. The annoying people annoy me. Rememberance of the past repeatedly annoys. Alot of things annoy me. Racism annoys me. I hope don't grow to get annoying like these annoying people. Where do the non annoying people hang out? Eh but does that really matter? Ugh Im confusing myself alot. Stop. DX pause and fast forward.
Yay school. It supposedly rocks my ass off and I even want to go on Saturdays and Sundays. Awesome. (−_−;)ffffffff!!!!
I wish I had paypal. That would be awesome. So awesome. I would break myself though.

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